
If you have a problem with Sawara, go here

<Sawara Street Exchange Center>

I want Free WI-FI! I want a map! I want tourist spot information!

This “Sawara Street Exchange Center” will be a useful facility for foreign tourists.

All of the above wishes will come true.

However, one of the reasons I wanted to come here is that you can do a simple “calligraphy experience”.

I thought that it would be a wonderful memory because you could experience a Japanese experience.

Although it is different from an actual brush, you can experience it with a simple brush pen and paper. It seems that many foreign people have visited here and experienced it.

Works in various languages ​​were displayed.

So I wrote it too.

my hope:)

Sawara has a lot of wonderful charms that I hope can be transmitted to many people across national borders.

Apart from my purpose, there were many other works that symbolize Sawara.

In particular, this work that miniaturized the cityscape of Sawara was really wonderful.

It is really stuck to the details and looks like a real thing.

It was just a wonderful work that showed the delicate skills of the Japanese people.

Please take a closer look at the inside of the works. You will be surprised at the delicacy.

Finally, I asked the director, “Please tell me a nice store that is not listed in the guidebook.”

There is a recommended store for Americans, so I’m going to go to the report gradually.


I-1903-1 Sawara, Katori, Chiba

